Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Electric Tongue is Not a Sixties Band!

Nor is it a Rolling Stones stage prop. Yes, wine lovers we no longer need to rely on the burned out palates of a small cadre of "wine reviewers." It's the electric tongue to the rescue. Read on if you dare.
By Steve Connor, Science Editor - The Independent (UK)

Even highly trained wine experts cannot agree on whether a variety or vintage is genuine
Can't tell the difference between paint stripper and a 1982 Château Pétrus?

Well, scientists have developed a remedy: an "electronic tongue" that can distinguish between grape varieties and vintages.
The device is still in the early stages of development but researchers hope they will one day be able to make an automatic wine taster that is more reliable than the human palette.

The electronic tongue – or e-tongue – is based on an array of tiny synthetic membranes built on to a single silicon chip called a multisensor. Each membrane has a different sensitivity to the various chemical components that distinguish one grape variety from another and one wine vintage from the next.

It can already distinguish between four grape varieties – Airén, Chardonnay, Malvasia and Macabeu – and samples of the same wine belonging to the vintage years 2004 and 2005.


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